CyberMedia and TAITRA brings the PC Modding to the Global Stage at CyberMods 24hrs COMPUTEX 2017. This is an event that unites the modding communities, bringing together the modders from around the world to compete and showcase their talents at COMPUTEX. In this competition, these talented modders will physically alter and modify hardware to not only enhance performance but also create unique aesthetics to the build. The modders will be given themes to adhere where they will create a build that best accentuates the theme they selected. The themes will be Sci-Fi, Video Games or Movies.

With the growth of technology so have the growth of PC Modding, power users are getting more and more creative, using their resources to the maximum and creating PC built that were never thought possible before with its’ complexity and exquisiteness. Some mods can be amazingly extensive, transforming itself completely from the source, creating a novel design. CyberMods 24hrs understands the importance of modding as a trend within the PC and Tech industry, leading the first ever live modding event in COMPUTEX.


This is a period of time where modders will have a time span of 24 hours to build their case mod in front of the audience. The modders must complete the project at COMPUTEX.


CyberMods 24hrs will be taking place at COMPUTEX 2017

Nangang Hall 4F, Light Gallery at COMPUTEX      


May 30th – June 2nd 2017, competition event starts from 9:00AM to 6:00PM every day

June 3rd, Modders will be presenting their PC built from 9:00AM to 4:00PM


Opening Ceremony

Award Ceremony

Date: May 30th, 2017

Date: Jun 2nd, 2017

Registration: 10:30 Registration: 15:30
Time: 11:00  – 12:00 Time: 16:00  – 17:00



  • 1st Place = $3000 USD
  • 2nd Place = $2000 USD
  • 3rd Place = $1000 USD
  • Media’s Choice = $500 USD

 Judging Pannel

CyberMedia's Managing Director: Fanny Chang  

ZADAK511's Product Manger: Henry Wu

Thermaltake's Product Manager: Mike Fierheller

AOC Marketing manager: Katrina Kuo

Colorful Branding Operation Manager: Erland Lin

 Media’s Choice 

This award category is given to the winning team voted by the media. This award category is to show CyberMedia’s gratitude towards the media and their importance within this event.

Participating media will be eligible to join a raffle after the event to take home a major prize during the awarding ceremony on June 2nd, 4PM


Award Announcement

CyberMods 24hrs has finally come to an end on the 2nd of June with a grande finale announcing the 3 PC case built that blew the audience away.

First prize goes to Team Thailand

Second prize that went to Team Philippine was a close call

Finally we’d like to announce the third place that goes to Team UK

Not to mention our Media’s Choice and favorite that goes to Team Tailand.

To conclude CyberMods 24hrs was an intense competition that took 24hrs of extreme concentration from our contenders, with the floor wide open for the contestants, all was bestowing their talents to the world which were shared to the world via social media platforms and various live stream, uniting the online modding community and helping the modders from around the world to share their passion and love towards this industry.



This event will be intense! It will be tough! But it will be worth it! Below are the listed contestants from around the world that will be participating CyberMods 24hrs competition.









Ethan Cooper


Xing Kai(邢凱)


Michael John Lanaza Lacerna


Peerakij Rungthongkhamkul


Alexander Banks


Calen Saddler


Alex Ciobanu Chen Zhi (治) DJ Madrid Chaipoj Khaowasut Robert Deluce Jim Weist


Workshop information

CyberMods 24hrs is also about introducing PC modding to a broader and more mainstream audience. The workshops that are included can be found in the table below where it sports a range of activities that allow the public to interact with experience modders learning the basic of PC modding.

Date 30-May 31-May 31-May 1-Jun 1-Jun 2-Jun 3-Jun 3-Jun
Time 15:00 - 15:30


15:00 - 15:30 11:00 - 11:30 15:00 - 15:30 11:00 - 11:30 11:00 - 11:30 14:00 - 14:30
Topic PC Modding 101. Introduction to PC Case Modding

Intro to Acrylic Glass

 and Basic Tools

Basic Acrylic Fabrication

Cable Sleeving


Liquid Cooling

101 Introduction

to watercooling

Fitting Introduction Coolant Mix Introduction Watercooling 101 Tube Bending Workshop


Modder Partners

CyberMods 24hrs hopes to unite the modders from around the world, this event aims to not only bring the world known modders from around the world to join in for an intense competition but also to connect those who love and are passionate about modding. With worldwide modders joining together and sharing news about this event allows them to connect and expand their modding communities by inspiring people who are interested in modding.

Shown below the talented modders from around the world!


North America South America Europe Oceania Asia South Africa

Tefen McGuinty

Pc Crafts Argentina

Reviewer and Modder Bundymania

Ken Byrnes of ZenModz

Rakesh Sharma

Sean Broodryk



Jo Puwalski : bjpc

Ian Duncanson Computer Mods.

Sam Callanta (Samca Works)


Tek by Design


Edgar Marckmann


Dao Duc Tien ( dtien87 )


Brian "Boddaker" Carter

Allyson Carneiro

Marco Silva aka F3nixMods


Irie Ahmad




Andre Paula


Bernardo mod chop


KJA Gaming

Raptor Tech Modding/Hardware






Ulysses Cazuquel





Arthur Richards


xtremecustom computers




Burly's Tech




















Paulo Reis












PaYFrog Customs




















Media Partners